Here you can get to know us a little closer. Find out how we got the idea for the cruise, what we do on a daily basis, and how we basically put up with each other.



Here you can get to know us a little closer. Find out how we got the idea for the cruise, what we do on a daily basis, and how we basically put up with each other.



Here you can get to know us a little closer. Find out how we got the idea for the cruise, what we do on a daily basis, and how we basically put up with each other.


We established the project in 2021, as the idea of permanently combining professional life with a great passion for yachts and the sea was born in our heads.

We started everything by organizing a few trips among friends, spending vacations or longer weekends together. As time went on, we decided that we wanted to gradually scale up the business, so there were more and more cruises.

If you're reading this, it's a sign that ATENA Sails will soon be setting Cruise Towards Dreams!

In the future, we plan to carry out our mission and unite young people fascinated by sailing, train those willing to develop their skills and improve their own skills.

Daniel Krzyżański



I have been sailing for as long as I can remember. I began my adventure with sailing as a child, sailing on the smallest Optimist class yachts. As a boy, I raced in regattas up to the age of 14, consistently developing my passion by sailing on various bodies of water.

Over the years I gained experience and skills, which over time I supplemented with training culminating in obtaining my first sailing patent. After obtaining it, I began my adventure with sea cruising. At the age of 18 I earned my yacht skipper's patent, and since then I have been regularly leading and organizing cruises.

In 2021, with Mikolaj, my long-time friend, we decided to establish ATENA Sails to share our passion and spread sailing among youth and adults.



I think I dreamed it, I think every young person dreams of doing something impossible. Me, as a sailor, have always dreamed of sailing around the world, exploring all these places, seeing how all these seas and oceans are different.

I consider it my greatest challenge to complete these longest ocean distances. I've faced many longer routes, but this will be my record.

I am responsible for editing video footage, where we try to meticulously depict the stages of our preparations to inspire others. The vast majority, however, we do together.

I believe that both strength and knowledge are useful on a yacht, and that's what I want to focus on. In other words, I plan to keep in great physical shape, read books from other expeditions and get further training in sailing.

Certainly, perseverance and consistency will be indispensable during long, often monotonous ocean crossings.

The most interesting to me seems to be our first flight across the Atlantic. I think that such a jump to another continent is the dream of many sailors.

I definitely want to see Australia. Coral reefs and kangaroos sound fantastic to me.

First of all, Mikolaj and I have been doing all sorts of things together since middle school. Now counting I've lived half my life with him, from studying for school exams, to starting a business, to this cruise. I think I can just trust him and don't need to check anything after him.

Mikołaj Nowak



I began my adventure with sailing in my middle school days, when I first went on a cruise to Croatia with Daniel and his uncle.

The passion for sailing and exploring more corners of the world developed quickly. It drew me in so strongly that after a few years I started sailing regularly in the Atlantic and other foreign waters.

As soon as I earned my first 200 hours of seniority, I immediately set about earning more credentials.
In addition to sailing, I have a strong interest in meteorology and the designs of famous sailing ships.



Above all, I love a challenge, and a yacht cruise around the world is undoubtedly a landmark test for my skills, consistency and self-denial. I have always loved to travel, exploring the world is fascinating and, in my opinion, greatly develops our approach to life. During the Cruise Toward Dreams we will visit corners of the Earth that I never even dreamed of seeing.

In my opinion, the hardest part will be several months of separation from loved ones and the proper preparation of the yacht for autonomous sailing in all conditions. In the middle of the ocean, we will have to carry out all minor repairs on our own.

I am responsible for correspondence with partners and graphic design of advertising materials. There are always two of us working on the yacht.

I think I'll learn to read several books non-stop, so that on the ocean I won't die of boredom :D. Every day I read blogs and stories of sailors who have already done similar deeds, so that in a crisis situation, be ready for anything.

I think it will be particularly useful to work on different weather systems. Remember that 3 weeks on the ocean is very often a non-stop chess game with the weather.

The section just beyond the Panama Canal seems most interesting to me. Mainly because I've never visited the Pacific Ocean, I'm curious about the juxtaposition of shipping there and the Atlantic.

I'm looking forward to the paradisiacal archipelagos in the Pacific. The Galapagos, French Polynesia or Fiji are places I know only from nature programs. I look forward to snorkeling sessions and admiring the flora and fauna there.

We have always done everything together and it was he who infected me with sailing. I trust him because I know that he always decides based on the most detailed analysis of the situation, never underestimates the weather and has the same goal as me.

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