Pierwszy jacht morski w naszej flocie nie mógł dostać łatwego zadania, dlatego w tym roku Water Lily przeszła szereg modyfikacji i już jesienią wyrusza w podróż dookoła świata!



The first seagoing yacht in our fleet could not get an easy task, so already this year Water Lily will undergo a series of modifications in order to set off around the world as early as this fall!

s/y Water Lily

Our beautiful Lily is a yacht from the now defunct Greek shipyard "Dromor", precisely the model Apollo 12. So far it has sailed in Greece and Croatia, from where it was brought to Poland, where we came into its possession.

Our plan is to make this vessel a completely self-sufficient cruiser, on which we will be able to carry out our daily lives and visit the remotest corners of the planet for more than a year and a half.

11,80 m

Liczba kajut:

3,35 m

Sailing type

Max. crew
8 people

Production date

Sails set on the Water Lily:

Na naszym jachcie (na moment rozpoczęcia modyfikacji) posiadamy dwa żagle. Pierwszy z nich to rolowana na sztagu, przewymiarowana genua, która sprawdza się idealnie podczas ostrej żeglugi na wiatr. Drugi żagiel to znacznie mniejszy (również rolowany, ale w maszcie) grot. Jeździ z nami również fok sztormowy, stawiany na zrolowanej ciasno gieni.


Nasza główna kotwica to 30kilogramowa Rocna, połączona ze stumetrowym łańcuchem, co zapewnia bezpieczne kotwiczenie w każdych warunkach i na dużych głębokościach. Jako zapas, w bakiście mieszka również 20kilogramowy danforth.

Interior layout:

The Water Lily is a just under 12-meter long, divisible sloop, which below deck has two aft double cabins, one bow double cabin and sleeping space for two in the mess. We also have two bathrooms (including one, the bow one with a shower) and a galley with a stove and oven.

Residential equipment:

Z udogodnień mamy tu między innymi webasto (jachtowe, olejowe ogrzewanie), dzięki któremu na jachcie można mieszkać nawet podczas mrozów na zewnątrz. W kuchni znajduje się głęboka lodówka, byśmy mogli przechowywać w niej zapasy żywności. Komfort prądowy zapewnia nam solidny bank ogniw LiFePO-4 o pojemności 600Ah spięty z inwerterem 800W od Victron Energy, dzięki czemu prąd w gniazdkach mamy nawet podczas żeglugi.

Safety equipment:

Na jachcie posiadamy przede wszystkim oceaniczną ośmioosobową tratwę ratunkową SEA-Safe, 8 atestowanych kamizelek pneumatycznych o wyporności 300 N, radio vhf Standard Horizon, system AIS od EM-trak, radiopławę EPIRB, transponder radarowy SART, internet satelitarny od Starlinka oraz komplet gaśnic. Do nawigacji używamy programu openCPN na laptopie, mobilnego navionicsa, a w sytuacji braku prądu, nawigację prowadzimy na mapach papierowych.

S/Y Water Lily

Our beautiful Lily is a yacht from the now defunct Greek shipyard "Dromor", precisely the model Apollo 12. So far it has sailed in Greece and Croatia, from where it was brought to Poland, where we came into its possession.

Our plan is to make this vessel a completely self-sufficient cruiser, on which we will be able to carry out our daily lives and visit the remotest corners of the planet for more than a year and a half.

11,80 m

Number of cabins

3,35 m

Sailing type

Max. crew
8 people

Production date

Sails set on the Water Lily:

We have two sails on our yacht (at the time we started modifications). The first is a furling-in-the-stay, oversized genoa, which works perfectly when sailing hard upwind. The second sail is a much smaller (also furling, but in the mast) mainsail. The planned set of sails for the round-the-world voyage are:

  • small jib
  • actual genoa
  • storm jib
  • trysail
  • gennaker or code0 - inlcuding spibom


At the current moment, a 20kg Danforth is doing the main anchor for us, which will eventually take the prestigious place of the spare anchor, and the main anchor is to be a 35kg Rocna along with 70m of chain + 30m of anchor rope.

Interior layout:

The Water Lily is a just under 12-meter long, divisible sloop, which below deck has two aft double cabins, one bow double cabin and sleeping space for two in the mess. We also have two bathrooms (including one, the bow one with a shower) and a galley with a stove and oven.

Residential equipment:

Among the amenities we have here is a webasto (yacht oil heating), so that we can live on the yacht even when it's freezing outside. There is a deep refrigerator in the kitchen so that we can store food supplies in it.

Safety equipment:

On the yacht we mainly have an eight-person life raft, a vhf radio, an AIS system and a set of fire extinguishers. For navigation, we use openCPN software on a laptop, mobile navionics, and in a power outage, we navigate on paper charts.


View from the descent
Forward cabin
Forward bathroom
Starboard aft cabin
Aft bathroom

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